Wednesday 21 August 2013

Little terror

You know when people with young kids tell you toddlers are little devils... believe them! Three days ago T brought a balloon home from a birthday we had attend and it only took him about a day to find out  I am one of these people that is over-sensitive to high pitched scratching and screeching sound. Now he uses it to terrorize me. Twice today I had chastised him for being disobedient and off he went, grabbed his balloon, walked over to and smiled at me, and started giving the balloon a good scratching. So far it has been difficult not to act as if I am not affected but I am trying. The plan is to let him have his five minutes of fun scratching before I surprise him by popping the balloon with a concealed needle <bang> and scaring the wits out of him to teach him a lesson. I just hope he doesn't poo poo his pants in the process because guess who will have to clean it up?!! Ha ha ha ha Daddy always wins ^_^ 

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