Wednesday 7 August 2013

Master tactician

Everyone who has a child can recount stories of how their have one way or another they been manipulated by those kids. From giving a loan you would never get back or caving in and giving that candy you promised never too, many parents have been through it. The things we do for love eh! Sometimes it annoys me when I realise T is employing manipulation tactics to get his way or to stop me doing something. At other times it just cracks me up.
Two days ago, we were in a playground playing football and I struck up conversation with another of the kids present. Soon as T saw I was no longer his centre of attraction, the tactics kicked in. He stood behind the other kid smiling and pulling faces at me. When that didn't work he walked off and next thing started screaming that he was stuck. I looked over and he was holding onto a goal post screaming out loudly that he was stuck and needed help. Well unstuck yourself I responded laughing before carrying on with my conversation.
This morning he was at it again, this time in the shower  because he wasn't happy he was having a scrub. 'Daddy eyes hurt, sunshine in my eyes', he whined as I scrubbed his body. We are indoors and it is cloudy out so how is the sun in your eyes,  I answered scrubbing. Quick pause. 'Sand, sand, sand in my eyes', he whined. I don't see no sand here. We got soap but no sand and there is no soap on your face, I answered without much fuss. Another quick pause. 'Leg, leg, it's broke, it hurts', he whined again his face feigning agony this time. I stood up, grabbed the shower, turned it on and doused him with water to wash him down. Checkmate! That shut his big mouth LOL.

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