Tuesday 13 August 2013

Mr Bloom's nursery has struck a nerve

If you happen to be visiting our house and you notice an assortment of vegetables arranged around the TV like in the picture below, it is not because we are a bunch of veggie-nuts, it may be because Mr Bloom's nursery is on TV. It all started about a month ago when I discovered the show and encouraged T to watch it as a means of stimulating his love and appetite for vegetables. It worked because these days he eats a lot more vegetables at food time than he used to. Nevertheless as with everything, there is a by-product. Whenever the show is on and as soon as the vegetables appear on screen, T would run into the kitchen, pick up the vegetables one by one, and arrange them in front of the TV. The squash is his favorite. He would hold and caress it, sing, dance and talk to it. And then just as soon as the show is over he would say goodbye, put all the vegetables down and move on to something else. It is so funny and bizarre to watch.

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