Wednesday 21 August 2013

What the One Direction movie premiere told me

Watching the premiere of the One Direction movie on the news yesterday I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. These young boys and girls on TV were acting all hyper and crazy holding up all sorts of banners that spelled out actions and emotions that we should consider worrying. Signs of obsessive behavior? Of course however in our celebrity obsessed society, this is considered normalized behavior. Two girls stood out to me during the whole clip but of course I am sure there were others around that were probably even worse but didn't make the broadcast.
The first was about 6 years old and she was holding up a banner that said, "Harry, marry me please"! Like really, a 6 year old! Mind you Harry is 19!!! Not to tarnish Harry with the same brush but have some people not learned from the Jimmy Savile scandal that some celebrity are not all they seem? I can understand if her banner said something along the line of I love or I admire you; but 'marriage'? Talk about putting yourself out there 100%; most adults don't even understand the word 'marriage', let alone a child so what were her parents thinking? When I see things like that, it really makes me question some people's parenting skills. Yes the child did not know better but the parents should. Next thing you know this girl runs away with a complete stranger claiming they are in love and her parents start wondering where they went wrong. Harry might be on a poster in her bedroom and he might sing to her everyday but in reality he is nothing but a stranger. I wonder if her parents have ever mentioned that to her instead of painting some unrealistic sick marriage fantasy. Anyways young lady, I hate to break it to you but I don't think you have any chance with Harry. You are a brunette and I think he prefers blondes. It might hurt your feelings but hey feeling disappointed is a normal emotion that you will experience a lot when you grow up.
The next was a young teen and if I say OTT, she was it to the tee. If anyone has ever been to a traditional Asian or African funeral, you know the type where where people wail, faint and jump up and down; yes that was the right description for her. She was jumping up and down, screaming, twitching and acting like she was about to suffer a seizure. And then one of the One Direction boys stood close and took a picture with her; you would have thought she just met the one true maker Father God, because it certainly looked to me at that point that she had an out of body experience. I doubt if she feels that same kind of excitement for her parents after all she should when they give her free clothing, food, shelter and oh money to give to One Direction (and Simon Cowell). I was left totally speechless.
Moving on swiftly, oh it's not that serious I hear someone say, they are just kids being kids. That's true to an extent. However every time I  have heard people utter that line, it is because their child was being out of control and they could not be bothered to step in and correct them. Instead of dismissing the issue as something else, why not just pull the finger out and pay close attention? If you have ever been on Twitter and have seen the One Direction fans in action you will understand what I mean: the level of obsession is terrifying. Consequently before you think I am a One Direction hater, I am not. I followed their progress on the X-factor, I think some of their songs are cute and I hope for heavens sake they are keeping a fair amount of the money they are making unlike S Club 7 before them who made about £900,000 each through their career compared to their manager's £70M. What I am, is someone who is concerned about the current celebrity obsessed culture we all live in and its wider consequences for society and children's well being. Liking someone is okay. But being obsessed with them that you act a fool... that is crossing the line. Thus, I rest my case.

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