Thursday 1 August 2013

His first encounter with bullies

T suffered his first bout of bullying while we were out today and thank heavens I was on hand to witness it and defend him. As he was playing in the splash pad (which I had blogged about earlier), the sun protection cream I had applied on his face turned bright white and before you know it, these three 6/7year old boys were taunting, laughing and flicking water at him. Noticing them and aware of their unfriendly attitude, he walked away.  Instead of leaving him alone, they followed him unaware I was watching stalking like a lion about to pounce on its next meal. When they started getting in his face and laughing, I stepped up eyes wide open, nose flared and asked was was going on and why all three of them, big boys were teasing a young toddler. Looking sheepish one of them asked why T's face was white like talc powder? I was gobsmacked but not speechless. Oh so y'all parents haven't educated y'all about sun cream, my streetwise side blurted. Y'all never seen someone wearing sun cream before? I continued before they could answer. 'Nope', one of them replied.  I shook my head. Oh OK always a first time! I answered. And before y'all ask me anything else cos I know y'all are black and y'all probably don't wear sun block, it is to stop your skin getting burned in the sun, as you can see my boy is mixed-race. 'Your skin can get burned in the sun', one of the boys asked looking at me confused. I was done. Go ask your mum or your dad I responded before grabbing T's arm and walking off. What exactly do parents teach their kids these days? So all that talk on the news about excess sun exposure and skin cancer and some kids still haven't heard about sun cream... sheesh!

1 comment:

  1. I know I shouldn't be lol at your response but I couldn't hold back the urge im actually Lmao!!
    Parents are too busy checking in on Facebook they don't even have second to spend with their kids!!
