Friday 16 August 2013

I am Daddy to you!

T has addressed me by lots of different names in the past and each time I had adopted them without much fuss. I have been known as yaaaaa, eh, daaaaa, da-da, just to name a few. At one point I was even tempted to don a lace front wig, lipstick and earrings when he started calling me mummy but he doesn't anymore now, unless he fancies a laugh at my expense. Just as I was thinking he had settled for daddy, I got a surprise last week when he referred to me by my first name for the first time ever. I thought it was cute at first but a week on, I am starting to think oh no it is not. He doesn't do it every time, just when he feels a sense of urgency. When I correct him, he thinks he's being funny as usual. I might have taken a few things lying down in the past. But this, uh uh no!

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