Saturday 3 August 2013

Interesting article

Every once in a while I come across articles and topical items that make me go wow this is what every parent should know. From now onward I will be publishing and sharing such. This article hit a nerve with me because just the other day I was out with a friend and her daughter and we were discussing colours and why it is that kids are pushed and pressured towards liking certain colours over others based on gender. For example boys liking blue and girls liking pink. Of course many parents delight in letting their kids be kids especially when it comes to forms of expression. However making that the norm as kids grow up  is often tricky considering if the parent does not bat an eyelid, others will. Is this the reason why we feel pressure to teach our kids to conform to society's attitudes and bias? Find out what happened when this lady's son wore a pink headband to Walmart.

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