Friday 11 January 2013

We just met a weirdo in the supermarket

There are some strange people in the this world. I just popped into the supermarket with T to pick up some groceries and there was a lady with a crying child in a stroller right behind us. As kids sometimes do, when the other child howled T answered with a playful howl of his own. As we made our way through the supermarket, the lady went to another aisle but her child was still very much audible. As I was reaching to grab an item, her child let out a loud howl and T answered with one of his own. Instantly a middle-aged man standing across the aisle from us suddenly stopped, plugged his ears with his fingers, gave T a dirty look, swore and walked off. I was so bemused by his over the top reaction I wanted to chase after him and tell T to keep howling... weirdo!

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