Wednesday 9 January 2013

Get creative and make it fun

T was instantly repulsed the first time he came in contact with Play-Doh. Nothing would ever make him want to play with or touch it whenever he saw it. As fate would have it, he got Play-Doh in his Christmas stocking and I have been trying to get him to play with it ever since without much luck.

A few days ago I was on Youtube and stumbled on a Play-Doh video where a lady was using it to make a Christmas chain. Instantly I had a Eureka moment. I grabbed T's tubs of Play-Doh and made some colourful arm bands and neck-chains. He didn't need too much prompting to try them on and pose for a picture as soon as he saw them. Struggling with getting your toddler to try something? Get creative and make it fun!

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