Sunday 13 January 2013

Awww… My little Einstein wants to be like his daddy

People often express shock when I tell them T has been sitting on the potty potty training since he was sixteen months. I didn't do anything special to make him; he picked up his potty one morning, set it down in front of a mirror, sat on it and starting mumbling- pee pee. Not one to miss an opportunity, I quickly made it part of his bath routine and every time he sat on his potty I went and sat opposite him on the toilet too. It was all going so well until yesterday when to my shock he absolutely refused to sit on his potty, not even when I placed it in his favorite place, in front of the mirror. Instead he kept pointing towards the direction of the toilet. Getting a little frustrated because I was running very late to take him out, I skipped the potty and moved on to his bath.
This morning while I was taking a well-earned break from toddler duty on the sofa, my partner came in and told me that when T was told to go sit on his potty, he simply walked past it, went to the toilet and requested to be sat on it. It made sense immediately. T has made a correlation between his potty and the toilet and just like he wants to be like his daddy in every other aspect, this wasn't going to be different- he has to go like daddy goes! It means for me,  I will either have to go and buy myself an adult potty or start sitting him on the toilet (just like I do )from now onward.

1 comment:

  1. We just need to get a potty training seat that sits over our seat.
