Wednesday 9 January 2013

Yaaay... The first post!

Hello and welcome to our blog. My name is Daddy and online I prefer to refer to my son as T for privacy reasons. T was adopted by my partner and I last year and is the loveliest most adorable little boy anyone could ask for. It has been and continues to be quite a journey full or twists, turns and adventures; many of which we hope to document and share with you, our readers so enjoy.
Today as I sat musing about what to write as our opener, T who shall remain faceless on here until he is old and wise enough to make his own decisions grabbed a pen and paper, and flanked by his usual assistants (with some food) in his favourite spot on the sofa, started scribbling as if to lay down some rules. I think I know what he might be thinking so here goes:
1. Your blog shall be about me and centered on me and no body else
2. You shall not post embarrassing pictures of me on your blog because when I grow up and find out I just might throttle you for it
3. You shall not present any details that may portray me negatively or tarnish my brand; if there is anything negative to report, you must do your uttermost best to portray me positively
 4. You shall share earnings from your blog with me; full details shall be communicated to you later via my assistants
5. We shall love each other like family but business is business, and family and business don't often mix
6. Lastly these terms and conditions are binding and may be updated as and when appropriate

So that sorted, here is hoping you enjoy everything we will be sharing with you; the stories, the pictures, the tips, and all the rest. Enjoy xx

1 comment:

  1. I'm already Lovin it! As well the pic is worth a thousand words! T and Zee.....Awesome! Mama Mo:)
