Friday 11 January 2013

Baby Harness

There is this man that walks past our house once often with his daughter walking ahead in a harness. Every time I spot him going by I am baffled by how he does it. I am not anti-harness per say, I just don’t think they are for everyone especially not me. When we had T’s baby shower, a dear friend gave us a harness as a gift and I remember thinking wow, I can't wait to use it. My first opportunity to do so came when I went to meet a friend at the park. Soon as I popped T in the harness, he started acting up, screaming, kicking and walking around in circles. Not one to give up easily I persevered until he almost ended up in a pond. That pretty much put an end to the first trial and the harness didn't get to see daylight for some time.  Months later, I was going through T’s nappy bag when I once again stumbled on the harness. I was going to the shops so I thought great let’s try this again. This time he was a little settled other than the walking in circles issue. My biggest obstacle though was the uneven slabs of concrete that made up the sidewalk and the amount of dog poo that littered them. With every step T almost took a tumble. Keep going, I kept encouraging until he stepped on a wobbly broken slab and fell face flat down. To make matters worse his hands ended up in a patch that looked like dog poo that had just been washed off by rain. That was it. I bade goodbye to the harness and have never used it ever since. To be honest I don’t miss it because of its strange functionality.

The other day T and I were in the park and another toddler came whizzing by pushing a Vitech baby stroller. T was quite intrigued by it so I asked the toddler’s Mum if he could have a quick go. He was absolutely thrilled and loved every minute pushing it around. Consequently I guess if I had to do the whole walk training with another baby again I will be getting one of those Vitech baby strollers instead of a harness

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