Friday 10 October 2014

One of the kids in nursery has what... Eek! Run for the hills!

There I was feeling myself having arrived at T's school gates bang on time after having a good run through the park and streets of London despite the pouring rain. As usual one of the teachers was standing to meet us arriving parents at the gates with a smile; 'he's had a great day', she said to me as I walked by and have become accustomed to and expect. I walked to the door and heard T's name being called out to notify him of my arrival. At the same time, one of the teachers thrust a paper in my hand. I did not think anything out of the ordinary about the paper I was handed; it was usual for them to hand out a school newsletter every Friday after school since T started. Nevertheless, being the curious individual that I am, I took a quick glance at the paper, unlike all the other parents around who just folded theirs and put it in their pockets.
Shock horror, it said there is a case of head lice in the nursery and all the kids might have been exposed and need to have their hair checked with a lice comb ASAP. Forget feeling myself, I felt dirty and itchy all over instantly. Of all the stuff that T could pick up from nursery, a lice infection was one of those that I really dreaded. I scooped him up instantly and we headed to the pharmacy; never mind that it was almost 4PM and I was hungry having had a run and not having eaten lunch yet. Forget just buying a comb, I bought a comb and a lice shampoo because the last thing I wanted was to get home, check his hair, find lice and then have to run back out to get the treatment, if he doesn't have lice, we will save it just in case or use it this time as preventative measure.
Anyway, I checked his hair and I found nothing phew! It is times like this I wish I could just wrap him up in cotton wool but I don't wanna turn him into a recluse or a scaredy cat so what can one do? Boy the perils of nursery LOL. I hope this is the end of this and there won't be more cases like it in future because I just can't deal!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

His second day at school

Okay okay I promise this won't turn into a daily update thing about T's admission to nursery before some people start rolling their eyes. After this post I will lay off the topic for a while, unless something significant occurs of course. Moving on swiftly T left for nursery this morning and I was even sadder about it today than I was yesterday. I don't know why, perhaps it was because yesterday I went with him and shared in all the excitement of his first day, whereas today I stayed home while my significant other took him. As I watched him walk out of the door I thought to myself, whoa he has never left me at home like that before! Even though he was only going a few blocks away, I felt as if he was migrating to the other side of the world. Anyway I couldn't help myself and as soon as he was out of the door, my head was out of the window watching him walk up the street until he turned and disappeared into the next street from ours.

All in all, he was just as confident there today as he was yesterday. While some kids still needed their parents around, he was happy for us not to be there and when we turned up to pick him up a few hours later, his teachers complimented him on how good he had been during his stay. Honestly I am completely surprised but thrilled at how well and quickly he is adjusting and settling into school life. He's has taken the whole situation in stride and dealt with it with so much poise . Now if I can only do the same. I'm sure in time, the answer to that will be a yes!

Monday 15 September 2014

His first day at school

It was T's first day at school today and it went way better than I could have ever expected. Upon arrival at the school gate, we were met by the school's assistant headteacher and before she could even say hello, T was like; my class is that way, having been to the school a few times on some welcome meetings. 'Oh he sure is confident and ready', the assistant head said before giving him the thumbs up and then ushering us on. Usually when introduced to a new person or environment for the first time, T goes into a shell, but not today. He said hello to all his teachers, shook their hands and when he saw his nursery classroom, he just took off exploring everything that was laid out. 'Oh he is so ready', one of his teachers said to me, 'doesn't look like you will have a problem with him settling in at all, he just appears so confident and ready to mingle'. It made me really proud as I watched other kids arrive, cling to their parents and refuse to look or acknowledge the teachers. After staying for about twenty minutes, I left and my other half soon followed, approximately fifteen minutes later. At the end of the day, we were told T was an absolute joy. He didn't fuss at all and made quite an impression on everyone present. Apparently at one point, he picked up a toy guitar and serenaded the whole nursery only to become embarrassed when the audience that had gathered to watch him started to applaud. Overall sounds like an awesome first day and I am so thrilled. I hope he keeps that spirit going.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Goodbye Grandma

Grandma left yesterday to go back home and honestly I am a little sad and miss her. I am not sure how T feels about her leaving though; one moment he says he misses her, and the next moment, he says he doesn't. I think it all boils down to the fact that he is aware that now Grandma is gone, one of us his parents will be home looking after him; and no amount of sweeties or cuddles or naps on 'Grandma's fatty belly', as he likes to say can beat that. I am ever so thankful to my Mum for the assistance she contributed over the summer months and I look forward to her next visit, hopefully in the very near future.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Whoopee we now have a car!

After putting it off for what must have seem like an eternity, we are finally a part of the car generation. I have nothing against public transport but honestly with a child in tow, it is a pain. Apart from the constant dragging around, the inconveniences of getting somewhere quick or the lack thereof of being able to get somewhere without having to connect to several lines or modes of transportation, I was sick of the manners or lack of one and the language T and I have to often put up with from others on public transport. Now that we got a car, we can get so much done within a limited space of time and there are more options to get out and about and explore places that would have been so difficult to get to on public transport. And the best part is I don't have to be worried about some idiot with a potty mouth corrupting T when all we want to do is travel around and get to places in peace. Yes, cars are expensive, but boy they sure are worth it.