Tuesday 16 September 2014

His second day at school

Okay okay I promise this won't turn into a daily update thing about T's admission to nursery before some people start rolling their eyes. After this post I will lay off the topic for a while, unless something significant occurs of course. Moving on swiftly T left for nursery this morning and I was even sadder about it today than I was yesterday. I don't know why, perhaps it was because yesterday I went with him and shared in all the excitement of his first day, whereas today I stayed home while my significant other took him. As I watched him walk out of the door I thought to myself, whoa he has never left me at home like that before! Even though he was only going a few blocks away, I felt as if he was migrating to the other side of the world. Anyway I couldn't help myself and as soon as he was out of the door, my head was out of the window watching him walk up the street until he turned and disappeared into the next street from ours.

All in all, he was just as confident there today as he was yesterday. While some kids still needed their parents around, he was happy for us not to be there and when we turned up to pick him up a few hours later, his teachers complimented him on how good he had been during his stay. Honestly I am completely surprised but thrilled at how well and quickly he is adjusting and settling into school life. He's has taken the whole situation in stride and dealt with it with so much poise . Now if I can only do the same. I'm sure in time, the answer to that will be a yes!