Monday 15 September 2014

His first day at school

It was T's first day at school today and it went way better than I could have ever expected. Upon arrival at the school gate, we were met by the school's assistant headteacher and before she could even say hello, T was like; my class is that way, having been to the school a few times on some welcome meetings. 'Oh he sure is confident and ready', the assistant head said before giving him the thumbs up and then ushering us on. Usually when introduced to a new person or environment for the first time, T goes into a shell, but not today. He said hello to all his teachers, shook their hands and when he saw his nursery classroom, he just took off exploring everything that was laid out. 'Oh he is so ready', one of his teachers said to me, 'doesn't look like you will have a problem with him settling in at all, he just appears so confident and ready to mingle'. It made me really proud as I watched other kids arrive, cling to their parents and refuse to look or acknowledge the teachers. After staying for about twenty minutes, I left and my other half soon followed, approximately fifteen minutes later. At the end of the day, we were told T was an absolute joy. He didn't fuss at all and made quite an impression on everyone present. Apparently at one point, he picked up a toy guitar and serenaded the whole nursery only to become embarrassed when the audience that had gathered to watch him started to applaud. Overall sounds like an awesome first day and I am so thrilled. I hope he keeps that spirit going.

1 comment:

  1. Go Rell!!! It seems he is very comfortable. He knows how much you guys love him and knows you will be there for him!! Beautiful start to school. Za did not cry her first day, Mo did. Gio did not cry his first day. KYLE DID...I think....
