Friday 10 October 2014

One of the kids in nursery has what... Eek! Run for the hills!

There I was feeling myself having arrived at T's school gates bang on time after having a good run through the park and streets of London despite the pouring rain. As usual one of the teachers was standing to meet us arriving parents at the gates with a smile; 'he's had a great day', she said to me as I walked by and have become accustomed to and expect. I walked to the door and heard T's name being called out to notify him of my arrival. At the same time, one of the teachers thrust a paper in my hand. I did not think anything out of the ordinary about the paper I was handed; it was usual for them to hand out a school newsletter every Friday after school since T started. Nevertheless, being the curious individual that I am, I took a quick glance at the paper, unlike all the other parents around who just folded theirs and put it in their pockets.
Shock horror, it said there is a case of head lice in the nursery and all the kids might have been exposed and need to have their hair checked with a lice comb ASAP. Forget feeling myself, I felt dirty and itchy all over instantly. Of all the stuff that T could pick up from nursery, a lice infection was one of those that I really dreaded. I scooped him up instantly and we headed to the pharmacy; never mind that it was almost 4PM and I was hungry having had a run and not having eaten lunch yet. Forget just buying a comb, I bought a comb and a lice shampoo because the last thing I wanted was to get home, check his hair, find lice and then have to run back out to get the treatment, if he doesn't have lice, we will save it just in case or use it this time as preventative measure.
Anyway, I checked his hair and I found nothing phew! It is times like this I wish I could just wrap him up in cotton wool but I don't wanna turn him into a recluse or a scaredy cat so what can one do? Boy the perils of nursery LOL. I hope this is the end of this and there won't be more cases like it in future because I just can't deal!

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