Wednesday 31 July 2013

He will be the death of me

T is getting very confident and daring right now and I am not sure I am enjoying the transition at all.When he is not treating everything around him including myself like a jungle gym at the playground, he is running, jumping and just driving me near crazy with his daredevil antics. Just this evening I took him to the park and within 30 minutes of being there he had fallen flat on his face twice, banged his head on a ride and tripped on the slide thrice from jumping off it; all these while I was screaming and running about frantically making sure he was playing nicely and carefully. But boys always have to be boys and when I tell him not to do something he does exactly that. Don't climb the slide; he goes and climb it laughing. That is for boys bigger than you; he goes and play with it and screams 'look I did it' afterwards. Can you watch where you are going; he keeps looking at me and walking away until boom, he walks into something. At times I just want to chain him down or wrap him in cotton wool but I know I can't and the feeling that he could hurt himself is wrecking havoc on my mind. Watching him play this evening, my heart was beating so fast as I wondered if we would leave the playground heading home for dinner or in an ambulance to A&E. He was so bold and rowdy I was shaken a couple of times by what he did. Someone pass me a pace maker for my heart. Oh the joys of raising a boisterous and active young child!

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