Wednesday 31 July 2013

A letter to Facebook

Dear Facebook,

You are bad for my blogging. You are so bad, you take all the issues and topics I want to blog about and turn them into short, snappy quick status updates. This is why I have now deleted you off my phone and I will only access you via my PC. That way if I have something meaningful to say while on the go I can dwell and marinade on it and hopefully turn it into a purposeful piece to blog about instead of just another quick update that will quickly disappear down other people's timelines.

I do appreciate how you have changed and revolutionized the way I use and share information of course. Thanks to you I can upload pictures or share status updates about what is going on with me in London and my friends and family who live on the other side of the globe can access it at the touch of a button. Pretty awesome I think but that aside, your accessibility is bad for my blogging and therein lies our problem. We will continue to work on our relationship of course and I will not abandon you (at least not yet). I do hope you understand.


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