Tuesday 26 February 2013

What's up with that?

He will gladly devour the soft core of sliced bread but he won't eat the crusty edge. He think he posh now huh!!!

Baby "crack"

It is soooo addictive he will do anything to get his hands on it!

Saturday 23 February 2013


Bubbles are just so much fun, fun, fun!


As much as I don't want T to be one of those kids whose imagination is quickly diminished by the amount of computer and phone games they play with, I have to admit that watching him try to play Jewels on my phone this morning revealed that it is not all gloom. It is great for his fine motor skill development. Just hope we both don't get too carried away with it now.

Hamleys is always a good day out for kids

Just when I was thinking we had seen the worst of the cold this year, Winter has returned with a vengeance and there has been a cold bitter wind blowing outside since Wednesday. Since the park is a no go, T and I went to Hamleys yesterday to window shop and test some of their toys. Thankfully we did not break anything -:)

The next weaning stage

Out with the sippy cups and straws; in with the cup! He's getting very good at it already.

Clean hands are his new obsession

Hands, hands, hands, that has become the most uttered word in the house now before and immediately after meal-times. And until they are either washed or wiped clean with a cloth or towel, the calling and stretching out of the hands does not stop at all. Good habit I suppose; now if only I can finish my meal in peace without having bare dirty hands being thrust in my face.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

He's so clued on

What was I thinking opening the cupboard, taking out the tub of honey and and giving T a spoonful this morning? Next thing I know my back is turned and he has put two and two together and is raiding the grocery shelf trying to open and help himself to a new tub of honey.

Nothing is safe...

Especially with an active toddler around. Not even the poor indoor pot plant that is just sitting in a corner minding it's own business. One by one, the leaves on the lower branch have been vanishing.

On the subject of potty training

I remember saying potty training T is going to be very easy. I am gradually being proved right. Every morning for the past two weeks when he poops he simply just takes off his clothes, dumps then on the floor and starts going ewww while running about. He also went a step further this morning when I sat him on his potty. I was in the living room picking up and he calls me and says pee-pee. Truly enough he had just "peed" in his potty. Keep it up young'n!

Monday 18 February 2013

He's got a thing for football

We were in the park to play when suddenly as we walked by the football pitches he got rather pensive and contemplative; itching to just run in and starting playing the ball. Just a few more months my lil' pumpkin!

Baby DIY

I offered to peel his clementine for him but he would rather do it himself so I gave it to him and said; no problem, knock yourself out baby... And so he did!

Lil Trickster

Can someone please tell T that saying you have a booboo on your leg is not the best way to get Daddy to carry you when you are out and about and Daddy's back aches?!! There are two choices; you either walk on the legs Mother Nature gave you, or you sit in the stroller that was brought for you. Tut tut tut!

T, the enchilada destroyer

Weapons of choice- bib, fingers and a fork!

Saturday 16 February 2013

T says, Daddy says

T and I were watching the news this morning and they were reporting on the horse meet scandal. The clip cut to a horse and the following conversation ensured between T and I...

Grandma's sending a gift

Grandma's called this morning to request T's measurement. She is going to send him his first proper traditional attire. I can't wait to see the finished product and see him in it.

Friday 15 February 2013

Boiler drama

What a day it's been... And a very cold one too! The boiler stopped working around mid-day and we have been stuck in the cold for the most part of the day till an engineer turned up around seven p.m. T was napping when the boiler packed in so when he got up I had to have in wrapped up in about three layers of clothes to protect him against the cold in the freezing house. Thankfully our neighbour downstairs came to our rescue by announcing she had a portable heater we can borrow. We were holed up in the living room hibernating with it on full blast. This is the great thing about having good neighbours and maintaining a good relationship with them; they can be real handy in desperate times of need. In any case, the engineer turned up, turned a knob slightly under the boiler to adjust the gas pressure and the thing kicked into service just like that... 2 seconds job. The house is cosy and warm now and phew I'm so glad!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

I have a trick up my sleeve for my other half and T is gonna play a massive role in bringing it into fulfillment. Whatever you do, hope you have a marvelous day with your loved ones xo xo

I took inspiration from an Ad

T kept throwing his ball into the kitchen and telling me to fetch it while I made lunch so eventually I had to say no! Not getting his way, he decided to throw a tantrum and roll around on the floor. You should have seen his face when I decided to join in and threw a massive tantrum of my own while rolling on the floor like in the ad below... Dad-1, T-0!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Pancake day was absolutely scrumptous

Yesterday was pancake day so Papa made blueberry pancakes for dinner. It was ohhh sooo good that T eat all that was on his plate and asked for more. Yummy!


It has been such a busy day for me because I have spent the most of it cutting and clipping pictures to finish T's scrapbook which one of his very lovely nieces started and gave him for Christmas. It is so much hard work but I guess it will all be worth it when it's finished.  Okay no more time to blog today, there is more work to be done.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Traveling with an infant video

Thank you British Airways for this very nice clip filled with tips because I will definitely be on-board with my toddler in the very near future!

Teething phase... I'm done with it!

I must have spoken too quick about T sprouting new teeth yesterday because suddenly today, it feels like someone turned the taps on in his nose. Not only that, he is drooling like crazy, has a slight fever and spent a major part of the night rubbing his gums and calling out that his bed-sheet was wet: as in my mouth and nose are dripping and I'm not keen having to lie my face in the mess. This hole teething face is the worst!

Monday 11 February 2013

What happens when I leave my phone around

My Facebook gets updated with some gibberish. Thankfully he didn't share any embarrassing pictures :)

More teeth coming through

Two canines and premolars. Thankfully all I've had to contend with on this occasion is annoying teeth and gum grinding sounds especially at night. I'll take that over a grumpy attitude and high fever! Still have the molars to come. From what I have heard, those are the ultimate nightmare.

I rue the day...

  1. He knew the following words; no, more, again, cake, cookies, milk and mine! Now I just cant sit there and act like I don't know what he wants because he is well aware I do especially when he's saying it and pointing with affirmation
  2. He figured out that every trip downstairs to see the neighbor resulted in a juice drink. Now we can no longer just pop downstairs for a quick chitchat with the neighbors at their doorstep
  3. He figured out that every remote control and switch in the house controlled something. Now I am constantly dashing around and grabbing items
  4. He knew how to open and close doors. Other than the help and safety aspect that he could clip his fingers, I get constantly locked out and left behind these days
  5. He knew how to put on and take off his clothes. Now one minute he is dressed and the next minute he's taken it all off and running around the huose half naked
  6. He knew how to use his cutlery. These days I am always having to clean up a huge mess after meal times
  7. I realized my baby is starting to own his own life!

Friday 8 February 2013

Friday is Gymboree day

T loves Fridays because it is the day he gets to see "Gymbo" and attend his weekly "Gymboree" classes. If you have have a toddler and you have never been to "Gymboree", you should try it out. It is full of a range of fun interactive activities that both you and your child can participate in. They run classes worldwide too.

Polite baby

The first thing he says when he gets up in the morning is 'Morning'! Plus he says things like: up please, please, help, thank you, love you, bye, see you, sorry, and excuse me without being prompted. Good manners... he certainly has a lot of them!

Colour me Badd...

...Because crayons and colouring is fun and great for his motor skills!

Thursday 7 February 2013

He made a plane!

Sitting down eating breakfast this morning and what does T do? He bites his bread into a shape, says 'airplane', and gives a brief demonstration

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Potty training is gonna be easy

I may have said this before on here but T's potty training is really going to be a doddle.  Weeks ago he started to say wet when he takes a leak in his nappy; and when someone is heading to the bathroom, he says excitedly, 'pee-pee'. Lately he has added a new dimension. When he poo poo, he either leaves the room or places his hand over his nappy and goes ewww! Makes my job easier now I suppose.

On the tourist trail Part 2

T took in a tour of the East side of London today and came face to face with a 'Beefeater' from the Tower of London. In what I can term as excellent timing, a salute to commemorate Ascension day (a Royal anniversary) was taking place so we stayed to watch the fifteen minute long cannon salute. All in all, it was cold but it was a very good day.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Smart cookie

Oftentimes when people tell me how clever T is, I get overcome by flattery I become rather speechless. At other times it is not what other people say that leaves me speechless but rather was T says. The other day I was walking with him past Buckingham Palace and he pointed at the Victoria memorial and exclaimed, 'statue'! I remember thinking how did he know that word when I had not spoken directly to him about it in the past. Three days later we were sitting in bed and I was scrolling through my android phone checking the weather forecast. As I scrolled from city to city across the world, he pointed and named the Moon and the Sun correctly; it left me very impressed that at twenty one months, he knew what the Moon and the Sun is and he could tell the difference between both.
I was just getting him ready for a nap a few minutes ago and I asked him where the Moon is and he made a sleeping gesture accompanied by a snoring sound as if to say the Moon is sleeping. OK, and where is the Sun? I asked. He pointed to the window and replied, outside! I am more than speechless right now.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Harassing Mickey

His poor assistants, Mickey and Elmo really do have to put up with so much harassment and abuse. Look what he did to Mickey during his nap time.

It's okay to be different

Had some interesting stimulating play with T earlier today using Play-Doh as visual aid, and the book 'It's okay to be different', by Todd Parr as aural aid. Educational play... I need to do it more often!