Monday 11 February 2013

I rue the day...

  1. He knew the following words; no, more, again, cake, cookies, milk and mine! Now I just cant sit there and act like I don't know what he wants because he is well aware I do especially when he's saying it and pointing with affirmation
  2. He figured out that every trip downstairs to see the neighbor resulted in a juice drink. Now we can no longer just pop downstairs for a quick chitchat with the neighbors at their doorstep
  3. He figured out that every remote control and switch in the house controlled something. Now I am constantly dashing around and grabbing items
  4. He knew how to open and close doors. Other than the help and safety aspect that he could clip his fingers, I get constantly locked out and left behind these days
  5. He knew how to put on and take off his clothes. Now one minute he is dressed and the next minute he's taken it all off and running around the huose half naked
  6. He knew how to use his cutlery. These days I am always having to clean up a huge mess after meal times
  7. I realized my baby is starting to own his own life!

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