Tuesday 5 February 2013

Smart cookie

Oftentimes when people tell me how clever T is, I get overcome by flattery I become rather speechless. At other times it is not what other people say that leaves me speechless but rather was T says. The other day I was walking with him past Buckingham Palace and he pointed at the Victoria memorial and exclaimed, 'statue'! I remember thinking how did he know that word when I had not spoken directly to him about it in the past. Three days later we were sitting in bed and I was scrolling through my android phone checking the weather forecast. As I scrolled from city to city across the world, he pointed and named the Moon and the Sun correctly; it left me very impressed that at twenty one months, he knew what the Moon and the Sun is and he could tell the difference between both.
I was just getting him ready for a nap a few minutes ago and I asked him where the Moon is and he made a sleeping gesture accompanied by a snoring sound as if to say the Moon is sleeping. OK, and where is the Sun? I asked. He pointed to the window and replied, outside! I am more than speechless right now.

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