Friday 15 February 2013

Boiler drama

What a day it's been... And a very cold one too! The boiler stopped working around mid-day and we have been stuck in the cold for the most part of the day till an engineer turned up around seven p.m. T was napping when the boiler packed in so when he got up I had to have in wrapped up in about three layers of clothes to protect him against the cold in the freezing house. Thankfully our neighbour downstairs came to our rescue by announcing she had a portable heater we can borrow. We were holed up in the living room hibernating with it on full blast. This is the great thing about having good neighbours and maintaining a good relationship with them; they can be real handy in desperate times of need. In any case, the engineer turned up, turned a knob slightly under the boiler to adjust the gas pressure and the thing kicked into service just like that... 2 seconds job. The house is cosy and warm now and phew I'm so glad!

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