Saturday 2 August 2014

Art therapy

What to do when your son tells you he does not like you? Indulge in some art therapy I guess. Just over 2 hours ago, I put T in a timeout for being naughty and unruly. Moments later he uttered those painful words every parents dread,' I don't like you Daddy'! I was so shocked and disappointed, I marched over to him and told him to take it back, which he did. Still reeling and slightly upset after he had gone to bed, I grabbed some pieces of paper  to channel the anger and disappointment I was feeling. I was shocked by what resulted. I have named the pictures 'mean cross daddy' and 'smiley happy daddy'. They are on the wall now and the next time T is being disobedient I can point at them and tell him the choice of which daddy he likes or dislikes, and the daddy he has to deal, lies fully with him.

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