Friday 28 February 2014

Growth Spurts

Two weeks ago when T and I went to the clinic and the pediatrician told me that at the rate at which he is growing, he is likely to be over 6 feet tall. I was thinking in my head tell me what I don't know. He is only 3 months short of his 3rd birthday and he is already 3.2 feet tall. I just tried to put him in a set of clothing and they are too small on him... he has hardly worn the clothes for 6 months! This is so typical these days. We bought him 2 sets of pyjamas when we were in the States in November,  less than 3 months later and the tops are already too skimpy and every time he puts them on he looks like he has a cropped top on. I guess I do not notice the growth spurts because I see him every day and the only time it ever dawns on me is when he is not fitting in clothes I expect him to fit in. We only just cleared out his wardrobe and bought some new clothes and already it's time for another wardrobe overhaul. Sigh!

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