Monday 17 February 2014

On drinking alcohol while pregnant

I am not sure exactly of what to make of the case of the council in north west England planning to lodge a criminal injuries compensation case at the Court of Appeal for a six-year-old girl who was born with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. If you haven't read the story, here it is. Apparently the girl mother's drank excessively while the girl was in her womb and now the council is seeking to prosecute the mother for maliciously administering poison so as to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm under section 23 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.
Seriously I do not get some people. You wouldn't knowingly feed alcohol or anything you know would harm your children to them so why would you consume things that over time science has confirmed could harm your unborn foetus? Is a lack of education responsible? Or rather a reckless and selfish attitude? Those aside, do these people even think of the lifetime of burden, issues and difficulties they will put their children through as a result of the avoidable damage? Or the amount of money it costs if these kids are taken into care or require constant medical support? Probably not so perhaps it is time to start making people pay when found to have been willingly careless or neglectful while pregnant! It is annoying and distressing to think that kids who did not ask to be born are put into these situations and considering the numerous sacrifice many parents make for their kids, people like these (who cannot give up alcohol drugs, or smoking for just 9 months) are actually having kids. I mean where is the love, care, sacrifice or compassion?!!!
It would be interesting to see which way this case goes because it might set a precedent for other similar cases in the UK; according to statistics, around 7,000 children a year are born in England and Wales with foetal alcohol syndrome as a result of their mother's abuse of alcohol while pregnant. One way or another, each one of these kids deserve some type of justice. 

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