Friday 31 January 2014

The very hungry toddlerpillar

If you have read the story of 'the very hungry caterpillar', then you will know where I am going with this one. From not wanting to eat and being rather fussy about what he eats, T now cries out 'I'm hungry', way too often. Yesterday just an hour after lunch, he was hungry and had two bananas. Half an hour later, he was hungry and had cake and a plum. Another hour later, he was hungry again and had a whole Sharon fruit (persimmon). By the time it was dinner time, he was nagging me for juice and crisps. Judging by how hungry he has been lately, one would think he is being starved LOL!

I Like Myself

Gotta have this book! You can see why here

Thursday 30 January 2014

Children see... children do!

There are no bad kids. Only bad parents

If you haven't read the story of the kids behaving badly at the Tate Gallery, I implore you to click here. Kids behaving badly and parents condoning it. Sadly issues like this are common experiences these days, I know first hand because being a parent I am constantly watching other parents around me. My observations have led me to believe that when we complain about kids lacking commonsense and respect, or exhibiting a blatant disregard for other people and their property, we should look no further than at their parents. I have lost count of the number of times I am in a supermarket and some kid is helping him/herself to an item and the parent turns a blind eye, or times when some kid is behaving badly and the parent instead of correcting is busy making excuses that they are a certain age and as a result that is what they do. Kids sometimes don't know any better but do your job as a parent and correct them sheesh! And don't just stop there, try and always set them a good example, take for instance this lady at playgroup this morning. She arrived just after I had arrived and we were both instructed at the same time that the playgroup was full and we should put our name down and when someone leaves, we will get called in accordingly. Considering I arrived before her, you would think she would let me put my name down! Instead she left her buggy right in the middle of the walkway in front of the door obstructing access and then quickly scribbled her son's name down while I waited for her to move out of the way so I can put my son's name down. I didn't say anything to her because I dislike getting into confrontations with strangers in front of my son but I was seething I wanted to kick her and her buggy out of the way. We both made it into the playgroup and it came as no surprise that her son turned out to be rather unruly. While playing, she kept telling him to wait his turn but did you think he listened? No! The apple never falls far from the tree after all. As a parent, it is up to you to show and teach your kids respect for others and their property. It does not matter how precious your kids are, if you fail to instill respect in them, then they will never grow out of that mentality of treating everything like it is their playground forever.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Ballet classes

Since we have a lot of time on our hands these days and there is hardly anything to do outside now, we decided to look up some sports and dance activity classes for T to attend around our area. Bar ballet and swimming which he already attends classes for, he was too young for all the other activities we came across. Knowing ballet can help improve his strength, focus and coordination we asked him if he would like to attend ballet classes and he asked to be signed up right away. Today was his first day and he did so well, I was proud. He was the only boy in the class but that didn't matter because he had so much fun plus it meant he was the centre of attention for both the other students and the instructor. Sitting there watching the instructor say: marching, marching, tip toe, tip toe, now flap... I was so tempted to run up and sign myself up.

Saturday 18 January 2014

I don't want him to grow up

I am sitting here completing forms for T's nursery admission and I am feeling very sad indeed. Is it that time already? It is hard to think we have spent the last few years doing everything together and soon he will be off on his own embarking on newer adventures. Before I know it, he will be off to primary school, then high school, then college or university or a job, then move out... Oh no this can't be happening! How I wish I have the power to make time stand still

Monday 13 January 2014

January blues

January blues sure is real. After that massive come down from Christmas and New Year's day being over, it is time to face the long cold and dark days of winter head on with no real holidays to look forward to until Easter (forget Valentine's day). It doesn't help as well that it hasn't stopped raining and the weather is just not conducive for the outdoors. I am doing all I can to keep T occupied indoors but sometimes my best can just never be enough considering he is a very boisterous kid that loves to run around and have a tumble and he cannot really do that indoors. For the moment I have no choice but to take him to indoor soft play venues and events but I will gladly choose playing in the park or playground over those any day. Anyway, I am just complaining. Winter offers it's own share of adventure and activities even if the outdoors are a constant no go. We will just have to keep our head up, take what we can have, create new adventures and ideas, and await the arrival of summer (no rain please!)

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year

Just like that Christmas is all but in the past and it is the New Year. This is hoping our aspirations for the new year materialize and our dreams become reality. Have a very awesome 2014 everyone