Wednesday 22 January 2014

Ballet classes

Since we have a lot of time on our hands these days and there is hardly anything to do outside now, we decided to look up some sports and dance activity classes for T to attend around our area. Bar ballet and swimming which he already attends classes for, he was too young for all the other activities we came across. Knowing ballet can help improve his strength, focus and coordination we asked him if he would like to attend ballet classes and he asked to be signed up right away. Today was his first day and he did so well, I was proud. He was the only boy in the class but that didn't matter because he had so much fun plus it meant he was the centre of attention for both the other students and the instructor. Sitting there watching the instructor say: marching, marching, tip toe, tip toe, now flap... I was so tempted to run up and sign myself up.

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