Monday 13 January 2014

January blues

January blues sure is real. After that massive come down from Christmas and New Year's day being over, it is time to face the long cold and dark days of winter head on with no real holidays to look forward to until Easter (forget Valentine's day). It doesn't help as well that it hasn't stopped raining and the weather is just not conducive for the outdoors. I am doing all I can to keep T occupied indoors but sometimes my best can just never be enough considering he is a very boisterous kid that loves to run around and have a tumble and he cannot really do that indoors. For the moment I have no choice but to take him to indoor soft play venues and events but I will gladly choose playing in the park or playground over those any day. Anyway, I am just complaining. Winter offers it's own share of adventure and activities even if the outdoors are a constant no go. We will just have to keep our head up, take what we can have, create new adventures and ideas, and await the arrival of summer (no rain please!)

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