Saturday 9 November 2013

Hard time blogging

I really wished I blogged a lot more these days however I just can't seem to find the time to blog as of late. T has grown into a young toddler now and with that comes a lot more responsibility on my part and less time to do other things I would like to do. Since he is not at nursery yet, I find myself running from play group to play dates, dreaming up ideas to keep him entertained, or doing other random chores around the house with never enough time to do anything else let alone blog. I am so preoccupied with keeping him busy, all I notice now is that the sun is up, the sun is down, next day, etc. In addition I am no longer obsessed with what day of the week it is or the excitement that Friday brings because I no longer get something called a day off.  But that is besides the point. The main reason I don't blog as much anymore is because as soon as I get the itch to sit on the computer, T also gets the itch to sit on my lap for cuddles or  to watch that Elmo's clip he's seen for the umpteenth time again on YouTube. By the time he is done, I have already given up or lost interest. I suppose blogging when he has gone to bed is an option but by that time in the evening I am so mentally drained the last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer writing so instead I always end up opting for a good TV show and a cup of hot chocolate. Whomever said being a parent is a 24/7 type of job did not lie. It is the hardest job in the world and that is why many aren't cut out for it.
Nevertheless once in a while everything falls into place and I do find a quick moment to blog. This moment is one of those. T is watching TV and playing with some goo I brought him earlier. I for some strange reason haven't managed to doze off while pretending to watch and enjoy the boring cartoon he is watching so lets see how many blogs which I have been saving I can quickly knock out before he changes his mind. Hopefully my break from the blog won't be as long again in future.

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