Saturday 9 November 2013


We had such a fabulous Halloween this year thank heavens. Aside from the usual pumpkin carving, T had his friends over for a kiddie Halloween themed party and it was so much fun.
After the fiasco that was last year that saw no one knocking on our door to trick or treat even though we had lit pumpkins out and lots of candy to hand out, we decided to hit the town this year. At first we were not sure where to go having scouted the local area and noticed there wasn't much going on in terms of pumpkins on display outside houses however after some brief research online, we decided to go to St Johns Wood. It was a great decision because the whole area was packed with kids trick or treating and locals playing music and handing out candy to all the little ghouls and monsters that knocked on their door. T was dressed as Spongebob and his outfit was highly complimented by the many people we encountered on the night. The best part as well was rain which was forecast, stayed away. All in all, it was a great night and T got a massive haul of sweets and candy I needn't return to the store for at least the next few months. We can't wait to do it again next year.

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