Monday 16 September 2013

Change of season

It is that time of the year when T and I sadly have to start cutting back on our outdoor play and indulging in a lot more indoor fun activities. At some point this week I am going to have to do the rounds of children's centres and playgroups around the area to pick up their winter schedules. As much as I have lived through many winters in my lifetime I can never seem to get used to the cold or the limitations it places on our lifestyle especially when it comes to the outdoors. The snow that comes with it might be beautiful and offer its own range of activities to indulge in but personally I hate the cold and all the layering of clothing to keep warm!!! Still I cannot complain because after many years of disappointments we have had a nice summer indeed this year; one that was sizzling and perfect for the outdoors. With Halloween, Fireworks night, Thanksgiving and Christmas still on the way, the cold weather might not yet dampen my spirits yet. But once that is all over and January hits, it becomes a tough road until Easter.

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