Monday 17 June 2013

Let the next potty training phase commence

T makes me so proud I want to wail like Halle Berry did when she won that Oscar each time he makes a remarkable achievement. It's been over a month now and he has been diligently going  pooh pooh in the potty instead of his nappy; not even a single slip-up or accident at all. As he has made steady progress it is time to raise the bar and commence his next phase of potty training. He is already off to a flying start; this morning I found out his nappy, get this, from last night was dry; with all the water and milk he had he didn't pee in it at all. When I pointed it out to him, he clapped his hands with delight and said yay! It didn't end there, soon as 'd  put the nappy down, he stuck his hand out and said, that's a treat! I couldn't say no. It's mid-day now and he's been in pants instead of a nappy or pull up all morning. So far, he's dry having been to the toilet with the aid of a little prompting twice. Wish me luck!

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