Monday 17 June 2013

The Mum that wouldn't just believe me

I have been asked some pretty awkward questions ever since becoming a dad but these sets of question I had to answer last Friday trump the rest. T and I had gone to a father's day event and there were a couple of children with their mums present. We had just finished making some cards and were busy playing in the kitchen when one of the other mums approached us and the following conversation occurred.
Mum: Your child, how old is he?
Me: Two
Mum: Are you sure?
Me: Course I am. He is my child
Mum: Hmm OK! Just wondering how at two he is able to understand all the things your are telling him and he is talking a lot as well. Are your definitely sure he is two?
Me: I'm not making it up
Mum: What is his date of birth then?
Me: <Reads out his birthday without pausing> 
Mum: My son is two and your son is not like him. My child does speak yet. You sure your son is two?
Me: Yes. Children develop differently you know. It might interest you to know there was a two year old in the newspaper two days ago that apparently can count to a thousand in 4 different languages and his parents have to take classes to keep up with him...
By then I was tired of being asked the same question over and over again and I was keen to find a way out. Luckily at that point T ran across the room to play with something so I followed. Just as I was walking away, I wanted to ask if she thought I was lying to make my son seem amazing but a little bit of me felt like her disagreeing may not necessarily be directed at me but perhaps at herself and her son's delay. It made me feel sorry for her. As a result I decided it was best to let sleeping dogs lie


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