Wednesday 3 April 2013

He's hurting

This whole terrible twos my toddler is going through is going to be the end of me if I am not careful! Every thing these days is accompanied with a whine, a non-compliance or a tantrum; it is driving me absolutely bonkers at certain times I just want to go and lock myself in another room LOL! Lately his new thing is to say hurts whenever something  absolutely necessary but he doesn't approve of is being done. This morning for instance, his whole body hurt during bath time, then it was his thigh when I was putting his nappy on, then his hair while I was combing it. Then as I was cutting his nails, his fingers hurt. Putting on his shoes to go out... Hurts! Sitting him in his stroller... Hurts! Putting his blanket over him... Hurts! Shame all that hurting didn't stop him from running around and kicking his ball when we got to the park... Speechless!

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