Thursday 25 April 2013

He's got ball separation issues

Hmmm, I think T is suffering from ball separation anxiety issues. He used to be allowed to play with the ball inside the house however as he grows older and his kicks and throws get more and more ferocious, that privilege has recently been withdrawn. Since last Sunday, I have been enforcing the new rule strictly. As a result he is having separation issues because balls are his first love. On Monday, when I refused to let him play ball in the house, he sat for the rest of the day on the sofa sulking with a ball in his hand. On Tuesday, I had to go out and our delightful downstairs neighbor baby-sat him for the first time ever. Feeling slightly anxious thinking he might find my being gone a little traumatic, I was stunned when as soon as our neighbor said,'let's go play ball in the garden', he kissed me goodbye and darted out of the room in the direction of the garden without a worry that I was leaving him behind: that's right... he sold me out for a ball. On Wednesday, he refused to go to bed without his ball and at 2AM I woke up to the sounds of him playing with it in his crib. Today, he hasn't let go of the ball all day, he took it to his playgroup, and when we went to the park and I thought after two hours of playing with it, he would want to do something else, I got shut down big time. Poor boy! I hope he gets over this soon.


  1. Can't you get a soft ball for the house Zee? Hmmm..........I love that pic by the way!

  2. Thanks for your comment Monea! He does have a few soft balls but because he realises the bounce on them is not as strong as on his big football, he'd gladly pass. Although since the rule came into play, he's starting to realise any ball he can get his hands on will do bounce or not. The problem though is not just the ferocious kicks and throws, it is the jumping, running thumping and these thin walled British houses. I was downstairs once and he was jumping upstairs; let's just say it felt like the ceiling was about to cave in.
