Thursday 25 April 2013

Please don't go Sunshine!

What a lovely day today was! The Sun was out, the weather was warm, the parks were full and every where I looked people were happy. If the forecast for the next week is to be believed, from tomorrow temperatures will tumble and cold mild weather will return. Not good, not good at all. Oh well perhaps being locked indoors again will give me the time and motivation I need to get back blogging regularly because I have been slacking as of late. Nonetheless if I had the choice, the weather will be warm and sunny every day and instead of sitting behind a computer blogging, I would be out playing ball and running around in the park with my little angel.

He's got ball separation issues

Hmmm, I think T is suffering from ball separation anxiety issues. He used to be allowed to play with the ball inside the house however as he grows older and his kicks and throws get more and more ferocious, that privilege has recently been withdrawn. Since last Sunday, I have been enforcing the new rule strictly. As a result he is having separation issues because balls are his first love. On Monday, when I refused to let him play ball in the house, he sat for the rest of the day on the sofa sulking with a ball in his hand. On Tuesday, I had to go out and our delightful downstairs neighbor baby-sat him for the first time ever. Feeling slightly anxious thinking he might find my being gone a little traumatic, I was stunned when as soon as our neighbor said,'let's go play ball in the garden', he kissed me goodbye and darted out of the room in the direction of the garden without a worry that I was leaving him behind: that's right... he sold me out for a ball. On Wednesday, he refused to go to bed without his ball and at 2AM I woke up to the sounds of him playing with it in his crib. Today, he hasn't let go of the ball all day, he took it to his playgroup, and when we went to the park and I thought after two hours of playing with it, he would want to do something else, I got shut down big time. Poor boy! I hope he gets over this soon.


In anticipation of the hot weather, I put shorts on T today so when he started tugging and pulling at it wondering why it stopped at his knees instead of his ankles, it made me laugh. After a brief explanation about what shorts are, he jumped off the bed, strolled causally to the mirror and giggled loudly at the sight before him. It was hilarious to watch!

Monday 15 April 2013

Toilet seat

After months of potty usage, T got an upgrade and has traded in his potty for a proper toilet seat. Of course his potty will still be in use; it's not like he's mastered it or asks for it every time he has to go, but when he is put on it he knows what to do. However because he has displayed such advancement  it was time to up the challenge. At first he was a little anxious seating on the adult toilet on this cushioned plastic item but two days later and it is a struggle to get him off; all he kept saying when I tried to pick him off it this morning was more, more and more so I suppose he loves the upgrade. Next stop; pull up pants! Oh how quick these babies grow up.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Summer sunshine can't come soon enough

This item here says it all!

Black board Vs Writing board

T loves painting and writing so this writing board should prove very useful when he gets that expressive itch. I wonder what he is writing in the pictures below... I think I see some circles and letter ms!

Friday 5 April 2013

Talacre Treetops Community Centre

With no end in sight for what has now been one of the longest Winters I have ever had to live through, it is quite a challenge to find ways to keep T entertained daily. Thankfully an acquaintance told me about Talacre Treetops Community Centre and I took T there yesterday. The play area is not exactly as big as I had anticipated but it is still big enough and worth the £2.35 fee we paid for and hour and a half play. Pictures and information online about the Centre is quite scarce; it is Council run and oftentimes Councils are not the best at publicity and promotion. Still it is definitely a place I will recommend especially if you have a boisterous active toddler

Veggie tricks

By now everyone that reads this blog probably is aware of T's eating habits. If not I'll repeat it again. He won't eat meat, fish, chicken or anything that is not remotely straight carbohydrate e.g rice, pasta, fries and cereal. So last night when I made cous cous which is one of his favorites, I had to get his veggies in somehow. I boiled his broccoli and mushrooms until they were mushy, drained the water and soaked his cous cous in it. Then I chopped up the broccoli and mushrooms until they were no bigger than a grain of cous cous and mixed everything together. When it landed in front of him he hardly baited an eyelid; he ate the whole thing up. Success!

Wednesday 3 April 2013

He's hurting

This whole terrible twos my toddler is going through is going to be the end of me if I am not careful! Every thing these days is accompanied with a whine, a non-compliance or a tantrum; it is driving me absolutely bonkers at certain times I just want to go and lock myself in another room LOL! Lately his new thing is to say hurts whenever something  absolutely necessary but he doesn't approve of is being done. This morning for instance, his whole body hurt during bath time, then it was his thigh when I was putting his nappy on, then his hair while I was combing it. Then as I was cutting his nails, his fingers hurt. Putting on his shoes to go out... Hurts! Sitting him in his stroller... Hurts! Putting his blanket over him... Hurts! Shame all that hurting didn't stop him from running around and kicking his ball when we got to the park... Speechless!