Wednesday 2 July 2014

Daddy's off to work!

I am off to work today for the first time in 2 years after having taken that whole time off to look after T. Honestly, I am feeling a mixed bag of emotions about it. On one hand I am happy that T will gain some independence and I can go out, purse other goals and in turn make some money which we really need. On the other, I am sad and emotional because T and I have always done everything together and now instead of witnessing things happen to each other, all we will now have is just stories to tell. It is the end of an episode but I am sure many more will come; like when he goes to nursery for the first time for example. I have loved and enjoyed my entire time at home with T and I wish I could continue but unfortunately it is what it is and sadly every episode must come to an end. In the meantime, he is in my Mum's care at home and will be until he starts full time nursery in September. I just hope he is not missing me like I am missing him right now -:(

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