Saturday 28 June 2014

Grandma is here!

T and I are so excited. We just came back from the airport to pick up my Mum who is meeting him for the first time and will be helping babysit over the summer holidays. I think I have earned some well deserved time off to pursue some other endeavors... don't you all agree?!!

Friday 13 June 2014

Summer's here!

Which means all the splash pads and pools are gradually opening their gates and doors to the public. I love summer and I hope this year's is just as nice as last year's.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Nursery school admission finalised

Went to T's prospective school yesterday to attend an admission's meeting so the school can find out more about him and his family. Other than some few teething problems with regards to the fact finding form which the school needs to be update to reflect today's modern and diverse society, and T refusing to speak to any of his teachers, everything else was fine. He starts in September and as sad as I am realizing that I will no longer be one half of the major influence in his life, I am very excited that he will make new friends and will learn some lessons I cannot teach him at home there; sharing and realizing he may not always be the centre of attention for example. I have started counting down the day until he starts and I am praying the transition is as easy for me as it is for him. We will wait and see.

Monday 9 June 2014

Day out to Bournemouth Beach

It was my birthday over the weekend and as a treat, our neighbours and very good friends took us out for the day to Bournemouth Beach. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how nice it is. I had always imagined all British seaside towns to be run down and full of bland dodgy gaming centres and amusement arcades hence why I don't associate beach holidays with being in the UK but Bournemouth changed my opinion slightly. Yes the water was not exactly very warm but it was manageable and the beach was very clean. Plus the gradient at the beach is not very steep meaning the water is shallow enough to make dipping with T a much pleasurable experience. I will like to try the Torbay area next. With companies especially airlines bumping up their prices during school holidays and with T starting school real soon, it is worth investigating the options available within the UK.