Wednesday 7 May 2014

The chickenpox menace continues

Having just recovered from my bout of chickenpox, the infection is back and this time T is its victim. The first set of skin rash and bumps appeared yesterday on his chest and armpits and by today, it had spread to his neck, thighs and back. So far he is keeping very well, jumping around and just in general being very boisterous; unlike me during my episode. This morning when I told him we have to put our schedule and routine on hold, he walked over to the mirror, pointed and asked if it was because of the bumps on his chest. Yes, you have chickenpox I answered. 'Did you give it to me'? He asked. Yes, I replied sheepishly. 'That's okay, it will soon be gone', he said. I suppose having seen me recently go through it, he is feeling very positive about it all. Hopefully he doesn't get too many bumps and it is all over soon.

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