Friday 16 May 2014

Bye bye chickenpox infection

Yippee!!! T's chicken pox infection is over. The last scabs have fallen off and other than the specks and spots which will fade in time, he is fully recovered. He was actually a better patient than I had expected; sweet and in control of his emotions throughout. On one occasion while I was getting him ready for a salt bath, he walked over to the mirror, stared at himself and said to me, 'daddy you gave me chickenpox but it is okay, it will all be gone soon'. That made me feel horrible but also melted my heart at the same time. Other than one night where he didn't sleep due to the discomfort coming from the rash on his scalp and having to lay his head down, he sailed through the whole episode without much fuss. I was most surprised by how he didn't cry and heeded my advise not to scratch the itch because scratching it will leave scars. Instead whenever he felt an itch, he called me, pointed at the spot and I tapped it lightly until he felt better. Having now recovered, it is one less thing for us to worry about concerning him in future.
It was not fun having to spend his birthday with scabs falling off all over his body but at least it will be one birthday to remember when he looks back at the pictures.

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