Wednesday 9 April 2014

Knee trouble equals afternoon spent in A&E

T has been complaining on and off for a while now about pain in his right knee. So when on the way to the park today he suddenly stopped riding his scooter and started limping and complaining about this same knee, I had no option but to head to A&E. The change of destination did not go down well of course; he threw a massive tantrum when he learned we were heading to the hospital instead of the park and I had to scoop him up and bribe him with a lollipop in order to have his compliance and cooperation.
Upon reaching the hospital, we were called to see a pediatrician within 5 minutes of signing-in which was pretty impressive. After a thorough examination by a doctor and an x-ray of his hip and knee, I was instructed he had no fractures and the pain might just be as a result of a sore ligament or muscle fatigue brought upon by boisterous play and tiredness. Nevertheless as a precaution they sent us away with some paracetamol and ibuprofen and told us to come back next week for a routine follow-up. When it was time to leave, T turned to the doctor and asked if he could stay in the hospital to get more x-ray. From not wanting to go to the hospital, he now wanted to stay. I was like, em no thanks! I think I'll prefer us going home and never coming back in a long time. I sure hope he does not go and do something now so he can go back to the hospital LOL!
Consequently I have to say being my second time with him at A&E that I was as impressed this time around as I was the first time. Overall we were there for about 2.5 hours which is way shorter than I had expected and budgeted for. So when I come across people moaning and complaining about the NHS, I wonder if I am just lucky or perhaps less fussy because I only have good things to say about it. Of course the NHS is not perfect but I am grateful for it and all the wonderful people within it that do such amazing jobs in a very difficult and demanding environment.

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