Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas and Santa fulfilled all of yours and your kids wishes. T left a plate of cookies and a glass of milk out for Santa before he went to bed last night and when he woke up this morning it was all gone and in it's place were loads of wrapped up gifts and presents.  He got his one request from Santa, a Buzz Lightyear talking toy and he was thrilled to bits. He hasn't stopped playing with it all morning so I hope he watches the movie box set of 'Toy Story', which he also received for Christmas so I can get a minute or two to myself and to make some phone calls before the day is over. Enjoy your Christmas wherever you are celebrating!

Friday 20 December 2013

5 more sleeps to go

Been quite for a while on here since our return from the States not because there is nothing to write but rather we are getting stuck in all the fun and activities as we approach Christmas. So far we have been to about 3 parties and T has had the pleasure of meeting 4 Santa Clauses.
Yesterday we went to Harrods to see a friend and also grab a bite to eat. Afterwards we paid a visit to Winter Wonderland where T had a field day screaming his head off in excitement as he went on ride after ride. Not too long now until Santa arrives from the North Pole with all the presents.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Flight chaos/Back home

Wow! What a journey. But we are glad to be home. After our flight cancellation three days ago, we turned up at the airport the next day only to be told our flight was delayed and because we had a connecting flight to make we had been transferred to another airline. As a result we were rushed off our feet as our flight was leaving earlier than anticipated and did not get the proper time to say goodbye to the family. Instead of connecting in Philadelphia, we found ourselves flying to Atlanta to connect onward to London. The worst part was we had reserved a taxi to wait for us in London a what was now a different terminal, luckily that was rectified by sister-in-law while we were en-route. I wish I could say T was as good as he was on our outbound flight but unfortunately he wasn't. He was tired, grumpy and miserable; thankfully he was able to sleep for a few hours while we crossed the Atlantic. I on the other hand could not.
We landed in London yesterday morning and are beyond jet-lagged right now. Holiday is over. Back to reality.

Thursday 5 December 2013


OK maybe I spoke too soon earlier because we are still in New York. Just as we were ready to leave for the airport, I checked our flight status and our flight was cancelled due to bad weather south of the area. Oh well, we are not complaining.

Time to head back home

Sadly our time in New York has now come to an end and it is time to pack our bags and head back home to England. We had so much fun with the family here and it is hard to imagine where all the time went; it just seem to whizz by. T is not thrilled at the prospect of  leaving but he is dealing with it well enough. On our second day here, he actually told me he loves New York and hates London: I suppose because of all the cousins he has to play with here. Hopefully the excitement and buzz in the run up to Christmas will be enough to cheer him up when we get back home. We hope to be back here again very soon.

Monday 2 December 2013

Still buzzing like a bee

Some quick computer time! T's christening and my wedding went well in case you are wondering. It was a small event and close friends and family members were there to help share in our joy and celebrate; we all had such an amazing time. Poor T was so exhausted from all the activities and having to smile the whole time for the camera, he actually fell asleep with me carrying him at some point.
We still haven't had anytime to sit still and are getting ready to head to the zoo as I type. I hope T has a good time because it is cold and the ground is all covered in snow which fell last Saturday at the moment.