Wednesday 8 May 2013

Only Shea nut butter will do

My partner and I swear by Shea nut butter for T's skin. Not the kind you buy in store, the kind that is straight from Burkina Faso in it's pure concentrated hard buttery form. The benefits of having family live in Sub-Saharan Africa eh! Melted and blended together with a little Almond and Coconut oil, it leaves T's skin glowing and supple without the oily sheen; a result we could never quite achieve with petroleum jelly, baby oil or baby lotion. But that is not the best part, Shea nut oil is well known in many parts of Africa (and indeed the rest of the world) for its medicinal properties- I remember rubbing it in its purest form on my Mum's back as a teen whenever she complained of back ache; and it is really cheap and lasts too if you are lucky enough to know and receive visitors from Sub-Saharan Africa that is- just tell them to pick up some for you from the market back there when they are coming. Click here if you wish to know more about Shea nut butter. I would definitely recommend it to anyone especially if you or your child is prone to dry skin, heat rash or eczema.

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