Thursday 14 March 2013

Antibiotics drama

Just when news channels on TV were going on and on about research showing some bacteria strains are beginning to develop resistance to antibiotics, I noticed a tiny cyst on T's chest and had to take him to the Doctor's. Of course just as I had thought, the doctor put him on a dose of antibiotics.

It seems antibiotics are the cure for everything these days. You have a persistent cough? Antibiotics! You have a skin rash? Antibiotics! Your ears hurt? Antibiotics! Is it any wonder then that antibiotics are loosing their potency; everyone is swallowing them these days like no man's business. Anyhow T is now on his dose of antibiotics (Flucloxacillin to be precise) and I was reading the side-effects; nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, drowsiness, vomit, etc. All these to counter a tiny little cyst? Perhaps I should have skipped the antibiotics and let nature work its magic. Eww... there he goes again; another nappy change!

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